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Chemical Skin Peel Course

Chemical Skin Peel Course

Before taking this course you need to be trained in facials.

Chemical Peel is a superficial glycolic acid skin peel suitable for an anti-ageing and skin rejuvenation effect.

Benefits include:

✨Improving the skin’s colour, clarity, tone and texture.

✨Refining the look and feel of lines and wrinkles.

✨Bettering the overall hydration of the skin.

✨Addressing visible skin imperfections.

✨Stimulating healthy skin cell growth to improve radiance.

✨Reducing discolouration often caused by sun damage.

✨Aiding the clear up of visible breakouts.

Suitability includes:

✨Skin that is aged.

✨Skin that is photo-damaged.

✨Skin that has rough texture, lines and wrinkles.

✨Skin that has enlarged pores.

✨Skin that is dull or sallow in colour.

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